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WW IR Polarizer MPTV Camera Filter
WW IR Polarizer MPTV Camera Filter

WW IR Polarizer MPTV Camera Filter

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The WW IR Polarizer Camera Filter provides color and contrast enhancement by removing glare and hot spots on faces and improves detail, definition and color saturation.

  • 2 filters-in-one (IR + POLA), reducing multiple surfaces and potential reflection from stacked filters
  • Designed for digital cameras with CMOS and CCD sensors with heightened response to the Red channel
  • Absorbs pollution in the Far Red (visible), Near Infrared and Far Red wavelengths
  • IR absorbing component is proportionate to the ND value
  • Removes unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water or glass
  • Saturates colors providing better contrast without affecting the overall color balance
  • Eliminates ultraviolet rays to remove haze from outdoor shots
  • Ideal for lightweight or clip-on matte boxes
  • Made in the U.S.A.