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Tiffen Graduated (Grad) ND's

Graduated Neutral Density (Grad) filters, also known as "grads", are a tool that can help balance the contrast between a bright sky and the darker ground below. They are particularly useful for capturing scenes with a wide dynamic range, such as sunrises and sunsets.

Here are some benefits of using Grad filters:

  • Natural colour representation Grad filters produce a more natural colour representation than HDR techniques, which can result in a "candy rainbow" effect.
  • Single exposure Grad filters allow you to create a great image with a single exposure, which is less work in post processing.
  • Authenticity Creating a great image with a single exposure is more authentic and satisfying than using HDR techniques.

In Ring Filters we use a Soft Edge ND transition, or Attenuator(Blender), which is a more natural Full cover graduation.

With Motion Picture Filters, you can chose between Soft of Hard Edge, or Attenuator(Blender), which is a more natural Full cover graduation - better suited for camera movement where the horizon exposure can vary.

ND Grads (14)

Digital HT Color-Grad® Neutral Density 0.6 Filter


CLR / Blue Soft Edge Graduated MPTV Camera Filter


CLR/BLUE 3 Hard Edge Grad MPTV Camera Filter


Blue Soft Edge Graduated MPTV Camera Filter


4 x 5.65" Cool Blue Soft-Edge Graduated Horizontal MPTV Camera Filter


Tiffen Straw Soft Edge Clear Grad MPTV Camera Filter


4 x 5.65" Pro Indie HV Neutral Density Filter Kit


4X5.650 CLR/Twilight Horizontal MPTV Camera Filter


SKYFIRE MPTV Camera Filter
